Monday, 19 March 2012

Reference and study skill Special English

Unit – VIII
Reference and study skill
Special English

SQR3 methods of reading

            We should make our pupil an efficient reader. AD efficient reader is like a bus driver who knows when to go slow, when to accelerator speed, how to negotiate hair bin bends on gnat roads etc. an efficient reader knows there are different levels of comprehensions too as these are different reading materials reading is an act of communication between writer and reader. It is an act in which the reader grasps the information the writer passes on to him.
Our reading becomes meaningful and complete only when we are able to react to what the writer has said. If we are to reap a rich horrent out of our reading, we have to develop a stream. Lined habit or reading through better study techniques. Such a study technique is SQ3R technique
            SQR3 Stands for
Recite – Review  

            Survey is the 1st test. This is surveying the material we are going through. This is similar to a driver consulting the road map before he larks a reader too surveys to got am over all picture of what is he to read. He quickly Turrets all the pages, sees the length of the material to be read, skims through information perfects, over flaps, synopsis, chapter handing, also has a look at pictures, drawings, charts, tables summary and question given the end of each chapter. This enable him to have some prior understanding after context, this stage can be called “warming up” stage.

            The second stage is question. Here the reader has to turn the main reading and sub – heading into question. Asking questions can help to classify the purpose of reading.
            This s one of the important step while reading, we should plan our strategy in such a way as to locate answers for the questions we have already arised in the questions we have already hand it crocus on the main ideas. He should able to anticipate what the writer will say next.

            This step is literally a self-examination the reader recites the answer to nasally.    It doesn’t mean word for word repetition. He should try to get their own words. He can also recite to another person perfectly a friend. This cat also be called per teaching.

            This is the last step. The material the pupil has read to be received primordially. He scans the passages for answers for particulars question. Review is a powerful aid to refection. 

3. Reference skill:-

            It is the duty of the teacher to guide her pupils to make an efficient use of libraries. A teacher must know where to find information. A student be familiar with..
i)                   The card catalogue
ii)                Indexes to periodicals
iii)              Reference books

The card catalogue:

            This is a list of all the books and bound magazines available in the library. There will be 3 cards for a given title namely
1)                 author card
2)                 title card
3)                 subject card
Aming the author card is the basic one. All these cards have the same call number for a particular book and this is the key locate the books you need on the shell. There are 2 classification systems for numbering the books and they are
i)                   Library of congress systems
ii)                The Dewey decimal system
The first employs letters of the alphabet and second uses the numbers. All information about each book is provided in the author car. Title cards and subject cards can also help to locate book on the shelves.
Reference books: Encyclopedia of Britannica

            Reference books provide all basic information. The important reference books are the encyclopedia of Britannica, Enc of Americana. Every mars Encycl, “Britannica junior”/, Mc-Graw Hill, ‘Enc of scier A techm’

            The diff bet diction – x ency is it dictionary explain words, their meanings pronunciation, etymology, usuape etc. whereas only explain things, places, people, event of generate interest through or ticks.

                        Research scholars will have to consult a variety of rational on the area of their research. First they prepare preliminary bibl of a its of books, articles, manuscripts, ency year books, news paper a other material they intend to consult. The best way of preparing a preliminary bibliography is to 4” x 6” cards with one card for each ref. the information includes author, he title of the book, place of pub, date of publication: trans, No of volumes, edition etc. these cards are arranged alphabetically a any new item can be easily inserted enter book.
i)                   Name of the author reversed for alphabetically
ii)                Title & subtitle of it appears
iii)              Place of publication followed by a colon, the name of the publisher followed by a comma and the year of publication of the last line.
Chennai: Ram Publishers
Nagaraj, 1985.

Dictionary Skills:

            It gives information
-                     Meaning
-                     Part of speech
-                     Verb pa Herm
-                     Pronoun station of the word
-                     Syllable activation
-                     Spelling
-                     Derivation of the word
-                     Usage – British of End
-                     Synonym & antonym
-                     Gen information

Dictionary Skills:

i)                   Ability to locate words
ii)                Ability to find out the contextual meaning
iii)              Ability to find out the pronunciation of words

i)       Ability to locate words

·                    Learn the alphabetical sequence
·                    Opening approximately
·                    Use of guide words at top.

iii)              Ability to find out mean

a.      Decide to contextual mean
b.      Find syn & Ant
c.      Dis the current usage broth form ones

iii)       Ability to find out pronunciation

·                    divide + word into syllables
·                    unde  + Phonetic Symbols
·                    Pron + word stregsingnt appr syllabus

Note Taking:

            Note taking is an essential skill that requires. Active listening and precise writing. We listen to talks, lecturers and narration. We need not reproduce the exact words of the speaker. We take main points without missing the essence of the talk. This happens effectively in the class room provided the note taken from the talk is presented to the rest of the class so that helps the writer and the speaker to be more peruse.

            The Students study in the higher class cannot totally depend on their reference work in the library alone. In the class room the teaches will discuses important ideas in the from of textures. The student most is very attention while taking drum notes. Note taking develops the habit of attending the classes keenly. 
Note making:

            Ability to make a note from a lecture or talk, or from articles or a book is a very useful skill. As we listen to a lecture, we should be able to take don the important points of the lecture. Letter on, we look into the notes we have made, we should be able to reconstruct the lecture from them.

            The notes taken will be useful when we revise for an examination. For advanced study one will have to read a number of books one will have his subject. At that time, note making will be an essential part of reading moreover while making notes, one will be able to organize is own thoughts better.

            “To make good notes, one must proceed systematically”

While making notes from a lecture one should know for what purpose he is making notes. The will help him to decide how much can be left out and what points can be noted down.


            Thesaurus is like a dictionary has words and meanings. But unlike a dictionary thesaurus has many similar words of same kind expressed for a particular word. One can find antonyms also for a particular word in a thesaurus. Thus both synonyms and antonyms of related words are given to most of all English words in a thesaurus. This is also a reference book which can be wed to improve vocabulary by the learners.   



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